Coping with Financial Stress during COVID-19

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, nearly 1/3 of Canadians spent at least one hour each day worrying about their finances. [1] Now many Canadian families are concerned about the related economic crisis with nearly 30 per cent reporting extreme stress to the point of losing sleep. Most people say that their biggest worry is financial, with […]

Managing Stress: Find calm with these simple techniques

Source: Mind Tools| Author: The Mind Tools Content Team When we experience stressful situations, our hearts may race, our breathing may become fast and shallow, and we may even feel that we can’t cope with the task at hand. There are three physical techniques that can help reduce muscle tension and manage the effects of […]


Source: Wellable| Author: Unknown | February 2020 From the article: Utilizing mindfulness practices can be another effective tool to get more people to lower their blood pressure, while simultaneously minimizing their risk of heart disease and stroke.. Read full article at

After The Lights Come Down: Mental Health During and After The Holidays

Source: Express Scripts| Author: Unknown | January 2020 From the article: The phenomenon is called a “happiness hangover” by some in the mental health field, and it’s well founded in biology. Read full article at

Why a Healthy Workplace is Crucial for Your Organization

Source: Rise | Author: Elizabeth The | October 1, 2019 From the article: To help your people take care of their health at work and make a positive impact on your workforce, take a comprehensive approach to establishing a healthy workplace by developing programs for the following four pillars… Read full article at

Taking Care Of Every Employee So They Bring Their Whole Self To Work

Source: 15Five | Author: Danielle Cronquist | November 14, 2019 From the article: Ideally, the benefits your organization offers should reinforce your company’s values and help establish the culture you are trying to achieve. To establish benefits that really treat the whole employee, think of these five pillars of well-being… Read full article at

How HR Leaders Can Build A Wellness Strategy To Promote Mental Wellness At Work

Source: PeopleTalk| Author: Marni Johnson | September 23, 2019 From the article: Often, organizations approach mental health from a risk mitigation perspective: preventing issues and avoiding absenteeism and disability costs. However, given the growing evidence that well-being drives performance, proactively promoting and enhancing employee well-being has become a business imperative for high-performing companies. Read the […]

What is Mental Fitness and How Does it Work?

Source: PeopleTalk| Author: Dr. Andrew Miki| March 11, 2019 From the article: Mental fitness is a concept that has only emerged in the past few years. It was developed to help people understand that, just as we can improve our physical health by moving our bodies, we can improve our mental health by strengthening our […]

6 Ways Social Media Affects Our Mental Health

Source: Forbes| Author: Alice G. Walton| June 30, 2017 From the article: Health experts love to say that sitting is the new smoking. Given the number of diseases to which sitting is linked, and the number of people it apparently kills every year, sitting is one of the worst things we can do for health. […]

How to start a mental-health conversation with a colleague

Source: The Globe and Mail| Author: Bill Howatt and Camille Quenneville| May 6, 2019 From the article: Commonly, people have reservations about raising the topic of mental wellness with others, often in fear of being wrong about their concerns and embarrassing the person they approach, so the subject is avoided altogether. Read the full article […]