Health Benefits and Virtual Care Options in 2020

Virtual Care in 2020

Virtual care in 2020 is critical due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Are your employees utilizing virtual care?

The theme of 2020 seems to be change and that’s fitting because the benefits world is changing too! While the majority of us around the world continue to stay home because of COVID-19, that means medical care and employment benefits have been changing to adapt to the new normal we’re currently in.

In this blog post, we’ll share ways in which the benefits world is changing and what that means for your organization’s plan and virtual health care options.

How does virtual care fit into benefit packages?
Virtual care is exactly how it sounds. Care for plan members is provided online through an app, video platform, phone call or website. This year, we’ve seen major insurers partner with health technology providers for some of the following reasons:

virtual care in 2020

There are so many options with virtual care. From chiropractors to doctors. You can be seen by medical professionals without leaving your house.

Virtual appointments for Doctor visits or other providers
(i.e. Lumino Health, Babylon Health, Dialogue, Wello, Teladoc Health, Phzio)
Easy access Mental Health and Resiliency Support
(i.e. MindBeacon, BoosterBuddy, BetterHelp and many other EFAP providers)
Online Pharmacies for easy delivery and lower drug cost and dispensing fees
(i.e. Pocket Pills, BioScripts, Costco – prescriptions by mail)
Pharmacogenetic and allergy testing to ensure plan members are getting the most effective medication for their body and condition
(i.e. Personalized Prescribing Inc., GutCheck)

While it’s easier to see how a doctor’s appointment could go virtual, what about physiotherapy appointment? More and more providers are offering virtual appointments with follow up videos and resources to accommodate those who are unable to come in, prefer virtual options for personal safety reasons or to fit their busy schedule.

We’ve seen family medical doctors, massage therapists, physiotherapists, chiropractors, mental health counsellors, and other professionals adapting and offering virtual care. It’s more than likely that your benefits plan or providers can be adjusted to provide your employees with the opportunity to utilize virtual care options. Navy & Sage Benefits can help ensure your plan covers virtual appointments and share valuable resources to help your team take better care of their health in an easy and convenient way.

Age and willingness to go virtual.
The 2020 Sanofi Canada health-care survey results showed that plan members are interested in utilizing virtual healthcare benefits. 71% of people surveyed said they would be willing to receive health-care services through a digital chat or video device. Those between the ages of 18 and 34 were more likely to say yes (76%) compared to those 55 and older (63%).

“Virtual care provides plan members with medical support and advice online, any time. Now is the time for businesses and providers to get on board. Plan members are asking for these options for both convenience and safety.”
-Corrie Omand-Brown, CHS, owner of Navy & Sage Benefits

If virtual care isn’t used.
So, what happens after COVID-19 is a thing of the past?  Will we return back to in-person appointments and forget virtual care even existed?  If 2020 has shown us anything, it’s that virtual care is the future of the benefits world. If an employer has a benefits package that didn’t utilize or include virtual care, employees will have noticed. Employees will be looking at their benefits packages differently after this pandemic.  Think about how many months it’s been since they were able to visit a chiropractor or book a massage. If employees didn’t have the option to virtually access these appointments, their benefits packages will have been of no use to them.

“At Navy & Sage Benefits, our goal is to provide solutions for both better access to care and benefits cost containment and sustainability.”
Corrie Omand-Brown, CHS, owner of Navy & Sage Benefits.

Is it really a benefit if they can’t use it?
Every employee has different needs. Many health benefits providers and organizations are showing up for their employees by providing virtual care options and adding flex and fitness accounts. They’re seeing that people may feel more comfortable opening up their computer to receive help right away instead of booking an in-person appointment and waiting 2 months for the date to arrive. Some may not even feel comfortable visiting a doctor’s office right now but may be comfortable staying at home and using virtual care options instead of their employee benefits package.

Bring your benefits package into 2020

virtual care in 2020

Many employers are already stepping up their game and showing up for their employees in ways they respond positively to. Since 71% of people are willing to use virtual care and 53% of people are already utilizing digital health tools, we believe it’s time to include virtual care options in your benefits package.

At Navy & Sage, we specialize in employee benefits and help you understand what is important when it comes to your employee group benefits plan. Contact us today and let’s discuss what virtual healthcare plans are right for your organization and what your plan might already cover that you don’t know about. We are more than happy to help answer any questions and share more knowledge about virtual care with you!