Pharmacogenetics: The future of prescription medication


Did you know your genes directly affect the speed at which you metabolize medications?

When we get asked what the future of medication is, one key thing that comes to mind is pharmacogenetics (also sometimes called pharmacogenomics or personal prescribing). It’s a word and a practice many people may not know a lot about yet. But it’s an area of benefits that is making a huge impact.

In this article, we’ll discuss what pharmacogenetics is, the benefits, and why it matters for your business.

What is pharmacogenetics?

Pharmacogenetics is the study of how human genes affect a person’s response to a certain drug.  Did you know your genes directly affect the speed at which you metabolize medications?

Many medications are promoted as ‘one size fits all’, but the reality is that not all medications work the same way for everyone. Instead of having to try out 15 different medication varieties to find the one that works right for you, pharmacogenetics can help identify the best fit for your body much sooner. This new field combines pharmacology, the science of drugs, and genomics, the study of genes and their functions, to develop safe and effective medication for a person.

Simply put, phrarmacogentics can predict whether a medication will be effective for you.

If you’re more of a visual learner, we at Navy & Sage Benefits love how BiogeniQ explains pharma profiling in this video link:

BiogeniQ’s pharma profiles are genetic reports related to 90 medications, mostly used to treat ADHD, mental health (including depression and antipsychotics), pain and cardiovascular health.

Based on your DNA, BiogeniQ offers reports customized to each patient that recommends the best medication choice and dosage.

The future of medication

This type of testing is significantly improving healthcare. Not only for doctors and health insurers but for those who are in need of medication. Prescribing the correct medication is crucial when treating an issue, especially when it comes to mental health. Currently, people are prescribed what doctors believe could work for them, but sometimes that medication doesn’t and it results in negative side effects, otherwise known as adverse drug reactions.

If people begin to use pharmacogenetic and get their genes tested, doctors would be able to prescribe the correct medication based on a person’s genes the first time.

Sun Life Financial and Assurex Health have been studying how pharmacogenetics can improve mental healthcare. The IMPACT ((Individualized Medicine: Pharmacogenetic Assessment and Clinical Treatment) study has seen more than 9,000 patients take part so far. These patients have found the following benefits of pharmacogenetic testing:

  1. People are able to feel better faster. Participants in the study with depression saw a 27% reduction in the severity of their symptoms after 8 weeks of gene-guided treatment.
  2. The stigma around medication is lessened. Many people fear medication because of stories from others who were on the wrong medication. With the help of gene testing, the right medication can be chosen right away.
  3. Health care costs decrease. When a person finds the right medication at the right time, the costs are lowered since they don’t have to take as many trips to the doctor and pharmacy.

How does pharmacogenetic testing work?

When you take medication orally, it dissolves in your stomach and then is distributed through your bloodstream and absorbed by your liver. Depending on your genes, your liver decides on how it’s going to metabolize the medication. Since the liver is the organ that absorbs most chemicals, pharmacogenetics is tested through the enzymes in the liver.

Using a swab test, doctors are able to measure from a genetics perspective how the liver breaks down or doesn’t break down a medication. The end result provides a person information on whether a certain drug would work for them or not.

How does pharmacogenetic profiling benefit businesses?

As a business owner, we understand the need to lower costs associated with your benefits plan. We get that! And we love helping our clients with creative cost containment strategies while still ensuring employees are happy and have great coverage.

Pharmacogenetic profiling can help plan members identify which medications will work well with their unique body, metabolism and genetic composition.  Finding those medications that work most effectively for an individual the first time is a huge benefit to not only them but you as a plan holder. It can help:

  • Speed up recovery times, reducing related costs of disability
  • Maintain good health, and
  • Reduce overall medication costs and waste


    Is adding pharmacogenetics testing right for your medical benefits plan at work? Reach out to us to find out!

Can pharma testing help your employees?

Now that you know what pharmacogenetics is, the benefits of it and how it can help plan members, it’s time to discuss whether or not to consider including pharmacogentic testing for your benefits plan. Reach out to us today and let’s chat about how this testing can help your employees’ health and your expenses.

Give us a call at 1-877-359-3820 or send us a message at